
Welcome to the 3rd International One Health
Congress, 15-18 March 2015 - Amsterdam - the


Organizing committee

Organizing committee

IOHC2015 is hosted by a high-level committee, broadly representing One Health oriented institutes and organizations.


Prof. Dr Anton Pijpers,
Vice president of the executive board of Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr Christianne Bruschke,
Chief Veterinary Officer of The Netherlands, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr Marianne Donker,
Deputy Director General of Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports, The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr Roel Coutinho,
Professor of Life Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr Joep Lange, († 17-07-2014)
Executive Scientific Director of the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr Constance Schultsz,
Department of Global Health, Amsterdam Institute of Global Health and Development, and Department of Medical Microbiology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr Jan Slingenbergh,
Former Senior Officer in Animal Health services of FAO Rome, Italy
Dr Andre Bianchi,
Director Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR, Lelystad, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr Ab Osterhaus,
Former Head of the department of Viroscience, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Professor Wildlife Virology and virus discovery, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dr Arno Vermeulen,
Managing Director Immuno Valley, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dr Liana Steeghs,
Deputy Director Immuno Valley, Utrecht, The Netherlands