
Welcome to the 3rd International One Health
Congress, 15-18 March 2015 - Amsterdam - the


Scientific focus

Scientific focus

Prevention at the source is key in controlling (infectious) diseases that have a growing impact on humans, animals and their ecosystems. The 3rd International One Health Congress will therefore focus on how science can help in preventing emerging and re-emerging (infectious) diseases. Through a special Science – Policy interface policy makers and international organizations may translate the latest scientific advancements into preventive measures.

The scientific program will be organized in three sessions, each covering a specific range of topics in relation to Prevention at the source.

Scientific Themes

Session I – Emerging diseases in a changing world: pathogens and interface

Pathogens and predisposing factors at the human-animal interface

Early response by clinician and veterinarian

Terrestrial, aquatic and aerial pathogens

Pathogens and predisposing factors in the food chain

Environmental pollution as a predisposing factor

Immuno-toxicology and infectious diseases

Antibiotic and antiviral resistance: medical vs veterinary drivers

Biodiversity and emerging pathogens

Novel technologies: from molecular to modelling

Session II – Drivers of emergence

From zoonoses to pandemic

Ecological and evolutionary drivers of disease emergence

Climate and emerging pathogens

Ecosystems and wildlife in pathogen emergence

Comparing pathogenesis from natural to spill-over hosts

Human behavior and disease emergence in humans and animals

Demographics in humans and animals

Comparing drivers in different continents: from poverty reduction to global connectivity

Session III – Intervention strategies

Cost-benefits of intervention strategies

Rapid intervention strategies: from SARS to MERS

Intervention strategies and benefits of modelling

Ongoing international projects on the chain of emergence