
Welcome to the 3rd International One Health
Congress, 15-18 March 2015 - Amsterdam - the


Abstract submission

Abstract submission

abstract submission LATE BREAKERS – closed

The deadline for abstract submission has passed. All abstract submission deadlines have expired.

We would like to invite as many delegates as possible. In case finances are a barrier to attend the congress, a bursary might be an option. Bursaries are only available for delegates with an accepted abstract and corresponding presention of an oral or poster at the Congress.

Please, contact the congress secretariat for more information.

Important DEADLINES:

1 August 2014
Call for abstracts online at the website, start of submission of abstracts

1 November 2014
Deadline of submission of abstracts, after 1 November 2014 review of abstracts

After 15 December 2014
Notification of acceptance to all abstract submitters

After 15 December 2014
Full scientific program published on website

20 January 2015
Deadline early registration

First week of February 2015
Notification of acceptance to all late breaker abstract submitters

ONLINE ABStract submission – closed

The organizing committee of the IOHC 2015 invites submission of abstracts for the 3rd International One Health Congress 2015 to be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 15-18 March 2015

Abstracts submission is now closed.

Late breaker abstract submissions will be open from 1 December 2014 until 1 of February 2015. Late breaker abstracts present data of unquestioned immediate significance, gathered after the regular abstract submission deadline has closed. Data analyzed after the regular submission deadline should not be submitted as late breaker research if the data do not meet a high scientific threshold. Late breaker abstracts will be accepted to be presented orally or as posters at the conference.

Guidelines for abstracts

Deadline for submission is 1 November 2014. Late breaker abstracts may be submitted until 1 February 2015. You will be informed about the decision after 15 December 2014.

Abstracts for oral or poster presentations must be submitted on-line via the abstract submission module. The deadline for receipt of the abstracts is 1 November 2014. Late breaker abstracts may be accepted until 1 February 2015. You will receive by email an acknowledgement of receipt upon the successful submission of your abstract.

Format and structure requirements
Submissions that do not meet the following abstract structure requirements will not be taken into consideration. The abstract text body should range between 200 and 400 words (excluding title and author information). Titles are limited to 30 words. A maximum of one display item (table or figure in JPG, GIF or PNG with ideally 600 dpi) is allowed. A table counts as 10 words and a figure counts as 50 words. Abstracts under all topics and without exception should be structured as follows:

– Title
– Author information: List the first and last names of all co-authors, and include their affiliations, using numbered superscripts. Underline the presenting author;
– Background: Indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or a description of the problem being analyzed or evaluated;
– Methods: Describe the setting/location for the study, study design, study population, data collection and methods of analysis used;
– Results: Present as clearly and detailed as possible the findings/outcome of the study, with specific results in summarized form;
– Conclusions: Briefly discuss the data and main outcome of the study. Emphasize the significance and implications of the results, in particular within a One Health context.

You are invited to select two parallel session topics (by order of preference) upon submission of your abstract:

– Terrestrial, aquatic and aerial (land, sea, air) pathogens
– Pathogens and predisposing factors in the food chain
– Vector-borne pathogens
– Immuno-toxicology and infectious diseases
– Antibiotic, antiviral and antiparasitic resistance: medical vs veterinary drivers
– Biodiversity and emerging pathogens
– Novel technologies: from molecular to modelling
– Ecosystems and wildlife in pathogen emergence
– Comparing pathogenesis in natural and spill-over hosts
– Demographics and behaviour in humans and animals
– Climate, environment and emerging pathogens
– Molecular basis of emergence
– Comparing drivers in different continents: from poverty reduction to global connectivity
– Early responses by clinicians and veterinarians
– Intervention strategies and benefits of modelling
– Ongoing international projects on the chain of emergence (EU/WHO..)
– One Health implementation: case studies
– Other/miscellaneous

Conflict of interest statement
All potential conflicts of interest (actual or perceived; financial or personal) that could result in bias or the perception of bias have to be disclosed at the time of abstract submission.

All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Board and Program committee based on scientific excellence, originality and impact. The corresponding author will be notified about the decision before 1 December 2014.

If you should have any questions, please contact the congress secretary ().

Oral presentations
Oral presentations are limited to a 20-minute presentation including discussion. Participants selected to give an oral presentation need to bring their presentation on USB to the congress centre and handed in in the speaker ready room. Please note that Powerpoint (.pptx) must be used. If necessary, last minute changes can be made in the speaker ready room. All abstracts will be published on-line on the IOHC congress website.

Congress registration
Participants selected to give an oral or poster presentation must register to the congress. Only abstracts of participants who have registered and paid the registration fee before 20 January 2015, and who will attend the congress, will be published online. Please inform us as soon as possible if you cannot attend the congress.

Please note that there is no honorarium for participants selected to give an oral presentation.

Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting in the exhibition area. The poster size is A0 (97 cm – 147 cm), portrait format. Participants selected to give a poster presentation are required to attend their poster to answer questions during the poster-viewing sessions.

Congress registration
Participants selected to give an oral or poster presentation must register to the congress. Only abstracts of participants who have registered and paid the registration fee before 20 January 2015, and who will attend the congress, will be published online. Please inform us as soon as possible if you cannot attend the congress.

Please note that there is no honorarium for participants selected to give a poster presentation.


Download and print the conference poster to invite your colleagues to the International One Health Conference 2015.