
Welcome to the 3rd International One Health
Congress, 15-18 March 2015 - Amsterdam - the




Delegates are now invited to submit a late breaker abstract.

All abstract submitters, except for the late breaker abstract submission, have been notified about the decision.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations are limited to a 20-minute presentation including discussion. Participants selected to give an oral presentation need to bring their presentation on USB to the congress centre and handed in in the speaker ready room. Please note that Powerpoint (.pptx) must be used. If necessary, last minute changes can be made in the speaker ready room. All abstracts will be published on-line on the IOHC congress website.

Congress registration

Participants selected to give an oral or poster presentation must register to the congress. Only abstracts of participants who have registered and paid the registration fee before 20 January 2015, and who will attend the congress, will be published online. Please inform us as soon as possible if you cannot attend the congress.

Please note that there is no honorarium for participants selected to give an oral presentation.


Download and print the conference poster to hang in your office and invite your colleagues to the International One Health Conference 2015.